BSN Medical 001053 – GELOCAST 4″ X 10 YARDS 12S
Gelocast 4″ x 10 yards
Zinc Paste Compression Bandage (Unna Boot)
Gelocast is the original Unnas Boot with over 100 years of treatment heritage. Its’ refined zinc oxide/calamine formulation is smooth, easy to apply and helps promote healing of irritated or ulcerated skin. Its’ light cast assures firm, even compression therapy, and the non-raveling gauze makes wrapping easy and neat.
- Semi-rigid, 100% cotton
- Uniformly impregnated with zinc oxide gel
- Fast drying, easy product handling
- Gelatine-free
Gelocast the original Unna boot is a gauze bandage impregnated with zinc oxide and calamine. Used as an aid in the management of venous leg ulcers, Gelocast provides high working pressure and lower resting pressure to reduce edema.
Compression bandages for phlebologic indications, such as chronic venous insufficiency (incl. venous leg ulcers or venous edema), thrombophlebitis, phlebothrombosis. Support bandages for injuries of the ligamentum as well as sport injuries, such as distortions, contusions, luxations or tendovaginitis, treatment after plaster cast removal or reduction of post-traumatic edema
- Venous and mixed leg ulcers
- Phlebitis
- Strains and sprains
- Dislocations
- As an after-cast
Features and Benefits
- Dries quickly providing a semi-rigid cast
- 100% cotton base does not unravel reducing wastage
- Provides high working pressure and lower resting pressure
- Uniformly impregnated, easy to apply and remove
- Latex Free