The product titled ‘CIRCUIT BREATHING ANESTHESIA LIMB-O 72IN 3LT BAG ADULT SINGLE-LIMB GAS ELBOW LUER CAP HCH FILTER W10FT MM SAMPLING LINE LITE SZ 5 MASK LATEX-FREE 20Case – AFNX2E04’ is a high-quality anesthesia breathing circuit designed for adult use. It features a 72-inch expandable limb-o circuit with a 3-liter bag. The circuit includes a single-limb gas elbow and a luer cap. It also features a HCH filter and a 10-foot MM sampling line. The circuit comes with a lite size 5 mask, ensuring a comfortable fit for the patient. This product is latex-free, reducing the risk of allergic reactions. Each case contains 20 circuits, ensuring a sufficient supply for continuous use.