The Ethicon 1956G is a box of 60, 18-inch, pliable, black, and sterilized Ethilon sutures, designed for precision and reliability in a wide range of medical procedures. Known for their superior strength and excellent handling properties, these sutures are made from high-quality materials that ensure durability and effectiveness.
Each suture is 6/0 gauge, providing the perfect balance between strength and flexibility, making them ideal for use in delicate procedures. One of the standout features of these sutures is their high knot security, ensuring that once tied, they stay tied, reducing the risk of complications and promoting healing.
These sutures are particularly suitable for use in general soft tissue approximation and/or ligation, including use in cardiovascular, ophthalmic, and neurological procedures. Each box contains 12 sutures, ensuring a sufficient supply for multiple procedures.
The Ethicon 1956G sutures are a trusted choice among healthcare professionals for their reliability, performance, and quality. With these sutures, you can be confident in delivering the best possible care to your patients.